Rabbinic questions, in case of death or illness:
Senior Rabbi: Rabbi Sam Taylor, ext 201
Rabbi: Rabbi Elliott Diamond
General shul questions, concerns, membership, committee & volunteer support, membership communication, membership database information, cemetery:
Nicole Toledano, Executive Director, ext 209
High Level Issues:
Mendy Maierovitz, President
Kids, Teens, Youth Programming:
Rich Winkler, Director of Youth and Teen Programming
Life cycle coordination, event bookings, yahrzeits, sponsorships, special projects, paying your bill, donations:
Ellen Spigelman, ext 206
Mazal Tovs/Special announcements
Jennifer Alexandroff, ext. 200
Bookkeeping/Accounts Payable:
Lejla Petrela, ext 205
Bar Mitzvah Tutorial, Saying Kaddish, Davening, Reading Torah:
Ralph Levine, Shamash & Ba'al Koreh, ext 203
Menchens Catering - Naomi Rosenblatt - 416.638.8381 (naomi@menchens.ca)