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Board of Governors 2024-2026

Executive Officers

Mendy Maierovitz

Mendy received Rabbinical ordination from Yeshivas Minchas Yerushalayim, Tel Stone Israel as well as the Institute for Yoreh Deah, Yerushalayim, Israel. Additionally, he received a degree in Psychology from York University. While in University, his many volunteer pursuits included Head of Jewish Student Federation and York University Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. After graduating, along with Rabbis Joseph Kelman and Rabbi Yitzchok Witty, Mendy set up JF & CS's First Group Home for Jewish teenagers. Mendy has sat on numerous boards which include Mt. Sinai Hospital, UJA Federation, JF & CS, 24kt Club, along with various shuls. He also wears the title of "Candy Man" at Shaarei Shomayim's Downstairs Minyan. 

Yaakov Goldrich
First Vice President


Yaakov Goldrich is the current Vice-President of the Shul and has called Shaarei Shomayim home his entire life. Yaakov is fortunate to have celebrated many life-cycle events in the Shul, including his bris, bar mitzvah and wedding. Yaakov is a practicing real estate lawyer in Toronto and hopes to draw on this expertise and his history with the Shul to further develop Shaarei Shomayim as a leading synagogue in Toronto’s Modern Orthodox Jewish community. Yaakov lives close to the Shul with his wife Tamara and sons Noah and Aiden, and is excited and appreciative of the opportunity to serve and act as a leader for our members.

Lori Disenhouse
Second Vice President

Shaarei Shomayim has been home for Lori and her family for over 40 years.  Over the years, Lori has served on the Board and on numerous Shul committees and has also served on several school boards and committees.  

Tamar Arje

Tamar is a certified public accountant. She works in Finance at Ceridian. Tamar has been a member of Shaarei Shomayim since she was a young kid and has served as co-chair of the Membership Committee for the past few years. She met her husband volunteering at a Shaarei Shomayim Youth Program.

Elianne Koschitzky

Elianne has been a member of Shaarei Shomayim for nearly nine years. Her family can trace back membership 5 generations to her husband Adir's great great grandparents! Elianne has been deeply involved in the Shul, starting with the Young Professionals Committee, Chair of the Youth Committee and is currently Chair of the Dues Committee as well as the Executive, serving as Secretary. Shaarei Shomayim has been a wonderful home to her family, as her three children wake up on Shabbat morning eager to get to Shul (she's sure the 9:30AM lollipops have nothing to do with it). 

Louis Vandersluis 
Louis Vandersluis has been a member of Shaarei Shomayim Congregation since 1980, when he and Risa were married by Rabbi Hoschander in the Sharp Sanctuary. Shaarei Shomayim has been a big part of his life, where he and his family celebrated many smachot. In 2018, incoming President Randall Craig asked him if he would take the position of Gabbai. Having felt the support of our shul during the previous 2 years during which he was saying Kaddish for both of his parents z''l, he immediately accepted the position. He derives great satisfaction in helping our members feel valued by reaching out during lifecycle events. He looks forward to serving all of you and to continue working with our amazing clergy, leadership, volunteers and office staff. Louis is a member of the Executive, serves on the Board of Governors, Religious Committee, High Holiday Committee, and previously on the Rabbi Search Committee. Louis welcomes your comments and feedback. You can reach him via email at

Jonathan Ostro
Past President

Jonathan is a lifelong, 3rd generation member of Shaarei Shomayim. Bris, Bar Mitzvah, baby namings, and many smachot were experienced at Shaarei Shomayim. Jonathan is married to Tsiona and has two daughters, Emanuelle and Arielle. Prior to filling the role of President, Jonathan served as Treasurer of the shul for 4 years, and sat on the Executive Commitee and Board of Directors. In a professional capacity, Jonathan is a Chartered Public Accountant

Board Members

Brian Cantor
Advisory Council of Past Presidents Representative

Brian, and his wife Carole, have been members of Shaarei Shomayim since 1986.  Brian has served in countless volunteer roles, including President, Treasurer, RC member, Renovation Committee, Bulletin editor, High Holiday Subcommittee chair, Purim Shpiel director, ShulCloud migration lead, and he currently is chair of the Cemetery Committee and Past President Council rep on the Board. Brian recently retired from a 40+ year career in Software Consulting. He now spends some of his time on woodworking projects, including canoe building/refurbishment and creating wooden Judaica items, such as mezuzahs. See

Miriam Bessin


Sholom Eisenstat

Sholom is retired from a long career in Jewish and secular education. He was educated in the local day school system (CHAT '74) and at Hebrew University and McGill University (MA Jewish Studies). He taught limmudei kodesh in Winnipeg and Toronto schools and then taught Computer Studies in TDSB and YRDSB high schools for 25 years. He regularly teaches a local private shiur and is researching and writing a book. He is a founder of ADRABA, an Ontario-based, online Jewish high school. Sholom and his wife, Rifka, have 2 daughter and 5 grandchildren.

Nathalie Gans Berljawsky


Nathalie Berljawsky is a family physician with a special interest in mental health. Originally from Montreal, Nathalie and her family moved to Toronto about 10 years ago and are so happy to call Toronto their home. In addition to being on the board she is co-chair of the Youth committee. 

Zev Gasner

Zev Gasner is a fourth-generation member of Shaarei Shomayim and has celebrated many milestones at the shul. Zev works in real estate investment banking at CIBC Capital Markets, and has been actively involved in the Jewish community through leadership roles in organizations such as UJA, Birthright Israel Foundation of Canda, The Canadian Shaare Zedek Hospital Foundation, Hillel, among others. Zev and his wife, Danielle, have two children who wait all week to hunt for lollipops!

Farokh Hakimi

Farokh Hakimi is the retired Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of INCO Limited, the Western World’s largest producer of Nickel. He is currently involved in investments in different industries. Farokh received his Masters and PhD degrees from Princeton University. Farokh has been a member of Shaarei Shomayim since moving to Toronto 22 years ago. He has served on its Board on numerous occasions.

Sara Lass

Sara Lass is a speech-language pathologist for the Preschool Speech & Language program at the George Hull Centre. She has served the Shul in many different capacities including as a youth leader, youth director, young professional committee chair, new members chair and co-chair of the youth committee. Sara is excited to return as a co-chair of the new members committee for the next 2 years. 

David Nadler

David Nadler has been a member of Shaarei Shomayim for over three decades. David and his wife Tara have four children (Zoe, Ezra, Gaby and Lee) who grew up at Shaarei Shomayim, celebrated many smachot at the Shul and were involved in the Youth Program for many years. David was previously a member of the Board and Executive of the ShulDavid is a partner at Goodmans LLP where he heads the Banking and Finance Group.

Abby Romberg

Abby Romberg worked as a lawyer for almost 20 years, primarily in the areas of Wills and Estates.  She is also experienced in the areas of Bank Fraud Litigation and Creditors Rights.  Abby grew up in Vancouver, B.C.  She spent a year studying at Machon Gold College for Women in Israel, and then obtained an Honours B.A. in English and Sociology from the University of Toronto and an LL.B. from the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law.  As a 1st time board member, Abby is looking forward to becoming better acquainted with her shul community.

Erez Rubinstein


Brian Schwartz

Brian is vice-president, Science and Population Health at Public Health Ontario.  He also serves as the co-chair of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table and is a Professor at the University of Toronto.  Brian and Robbie have been members of Shaarei Shomayim for over 30 years and B'H have four children and many grandchildren.  Robbie is a former Board member and Brian has attended the morning Gemara shiur since its inception in 2005. 

Davida Shiff

Davida is a fourth-generation member of Shaarei Shomayim. She grew up at the shul and has many fond memories of celebrating smachot, chagim, and shabbatot here. Davida is excited to share her love of Shaarei Shomayim with her 3 kids and her husband Ian. Davida is currently the Chair of the Youth Committee. Professionally, she is a lawyer who works at Torys LLP. 

Ted Shoub


Rachel Shour

Rachel Shour spends her professional time working as a family physician with a focussed practice in mental health. She has had the privilege of many volunteer roles at Shaarei Shomayim including involvement in the youth committee, developing the Women’s Megillah Reading series, and most recently serving as a board member.

Akyva Spiegel

Akyva is a Human Resources professional, currently acting as a Client Relations Manager. He works closely with executive clients and stakeholders, conducting program analysis, providing strategic advice and leading transformation initiatives. He establishes strong rapport with clients to understand their goals, aiming to drive delivery from a people-centred approach.
Akyva grew up at Shaarei Shomayim and is now a member with his wife, Gila, and their three children, all of whom celebrated smachot at the shul. 

Zahava Stadler

Zahava is a public policy professional working on education and inequality issues, with experience in the public and nonprofit sectors. She holds a bachelor's degree in political science and masters' degrees in public administration and education policy. Zahava has served on the Board, the Adult Education Committee, and the Religious Committee at Shaarei Shomayim and gives periodic classes in the shul. She moved to Toronto from New Jersey in 2018 and she, her husband, and their two daughters are delighted to be part of the community.

Steven Strauss

Steven moved to Toronto from Los Angeles in 2009 and married Sarah Brown in 2014, a 3rd generation Shaarei Shomayim member. Steven has been an active member of the community for 10 years, most recently serving on the Budget and Finance Committee and helping to found and cultivate the 9:30 AM minyan. Steven is honoured and excited to serve our community.

Jesse Tepperman

Jesse Tepperman is an Associate Principal at The Bedford Consulting Group,  a global executive recruitment firm located in downtown Toronto. Jesse has been involved in a number of organizations within the Jewish community and community at large including One Family Fund and the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation. Jesse, along with his wife Alexa, and their sons Billy and Dean are all members of the shul. Jesse is excited about returning to the board for his second term and looks forward to creating new opportunities for young professionals in our community.

Florence Weinberger

Florence graduated from University of Toronto with a degree in English, leading to a position, as Manager of staff training for Ontario Region at CIBC. Also, Florence has held many positions in the Jewish community for over four decades, as a volunteer and board member for several organizations and then, in staff leadership roles at JF&CS, York University and Baycrest, where she was president of the Baycrest Foundation.  Florence and George joined Shaarei Shomayim three years ago when they moved into the neighborhood and have enjoyed the davening, shiurim and many programs the shul offers. 


To contact an officer, please call the office at 416.789.3213 or send an email to Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person. Please be clear to whom you would like the email to be forwarded.

Wed, 23 October 2024 21 Tishrei 5785