Shaarei Shomayim Congregation owns four cemeteries: one at Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park, two at Mount Sinai Memorial Park and the McCowan Road Cemetery.
We operate under the authority of the BAO, with a status of Cemetery Operator, license # 3304050-1. The Shaarei Shomayim Cemetery Rules govern all aspects of the management of our cemeteries. The BAO produces a Consumers Information Guide which describes general information about death care in Ontario.
The status of available lots is as follows:
- Bathurst Lawn - except for a few single lots, all lots are assigned. Lots are available to members only.
- Mt Sinai (Old) - except for a few single lots, all lots are assigned. Lots are available to members only.
- Mt Sinai (Palmerston) - there are some lots available. Lots are available to members only.
- McCowan Road - there are many lots available. Lots are available to members and non-members.
The McCowan Road Cemetery is different from our other cemeteries because it stands alone, surrounded by houses and a city park. There are over one thousand lots available at McCowan Road Cemetery. At time of need, member burials will be at McCowan Road Cemetery, unless the member has a reservation elsewhere.
There is a main entry gate which is kept locked. The code for the lock at the gate is 1836. There is a stone entry column with the shul name and iron fencing and gates with more stone columns. Inside the cemetery grounds are paving stone walkways and a unique hand-washing basin carved into a granite boulder.
The city has begun the development of the parkland immediately north of the cemetery and on the west side of McCowan Road. Called McCowan District Park, this work has enhanced the setting of our cemetery.
What are members are entitled to?
All members of our shul, in good standing, are entitled to a cemetery lot at the time of death.
The location of the lot is the next available lot in our McCowan Road Cemetery. This McCowan Road Cemetery lot is provided at no cost, but there are other charges, which as of January 2024 are $1,425. Those charges include providing for the shul’s care & maintenance trust fund, preparation of the concrete foundation, a provincial license fee, and an administration fee. The lots at McCowan Road Cemetery are allocated lot-by-lot, row-by-row.
Members can make pre-arrangements to reserve lot(s) at any of our four cemeteries. To reserve these lots, one needs to speak to Nicole Toledano in our office, select the lot(s), and pay. One does not purchase a lot – one reserves the right to be interred in a particular lot. After payment, the member will receive an “Interment Rights Certificate”. Each reservation must be for a particular person. Prices at the McCowan Road Cemetery are less than the other three cemeteries. See below for our current price list*.
All members in good standing are entitled to a lot at time of need. While there is no charge for the lot itself, there are other charges* for such items as care and maintenance funds, permit, administration fee, cement foundations, etc.
Members may reserve a lot at any time. When reserving a lot, the full standard rates* will apply.
Often, a spouse will choose to reserve the lot next to a deceased spouse at the time of death. If the lot is not reserved at that time, then that lot will be used for the next burial. If a spouse wants to reserve the adjacent lot, the full standard rates* will apply.
*Download the current Cemetery Price list.
Download the current Marker Requirements
Map From Shaarei Shomayim to McCowan Road Cemetery
The entrance to the cemetery is on McCowan Road immediately north of Colonial Ave.
Coming from Shaarei Shomayim and vicinity: go east on Eglinton Avenue to McCowan Road; turn right and go under the CN overpass. The cemetery entrance is a laneway on your left at the second street after the overpass, immediately before Colonial Avenue. You will see a large stone column with a plaque facing you with the words "Shaarei Shomayim". This marks the entrance to the cemetery.
Map of Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park (6033 Bathurst Street)
Map of Mt Sinai (986 Wilson Avenue)