Become a Friend
As a “Friend” of Shaarei Shomayim, you become an important part of one of North America’s leading modern Orthodox synagogue communities. It is also an important way in which a member of another shul who attends our shul regularly can make a tangible contribution.
We look forward to informing you of our various activities and programs through our regular communications, mailings and Shabbat brochures. We welcome you to our numerous adult education and youth programs. As well, as a Friend, you will be able to attend any member functions such as Simchat Torah luncheon, Chanukah party, or Purim seudah at the same cost as a member.You also receive member rates for Simcha Bookings.
We hope you will join us for both daily and Shabbat services. We have an active Gemara class, special shabbatons and the exciting Scholar-In-Residence program on Shabbat and holidays, and other popular shiurim and lecture series.
This type of affiliation does not entitle one to High Holiday tickets or cemetery privileges.
Your donation is fully receiptable for income tax purposes and receipts will be issued each February for the prior calendar year.
For more information and to apply, please contact our executive director, Nicole, at 416.789.3213 ext 209. We look forward to greeting you, Friend, in our community.
For a full list of contacts in the shul, click here.
Mon, 14 October 2024
12 Tishrei 5785
Shabbat Matters
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High Holiday Tickets
High Holiday tickets can be purchased here:
Shaarei Shomayim
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Membership Application
For a printable membership application, click here.